The 10-Kilometer Run Resumes a After a Three-Year Suspension and People Return to Their Everyday Lives
The 10-Kilometer Run, a traditional event of Tzu Chi University, was held again on March 18, 2023, after being suspended for three years, due to the epidemic. At six o’clock in the morning, it was raining lightly. More than 300 people, including University president Ingrid Liu, started from Jieren Campus, ran along the Meilun River embankment, and returned to Jieren Campus. Alumni who participated in the event said: “It has been three years, and it’s terrific to see everyone again.”
The University has sponsored the 10-Kilometer Run since its inception in 1994. The outbreak of the epidemic in 2020 caused cancellation of this annual event. Today’s activity reminded faculty, staff, and students that the “post-epidemic era” is coming. Everyone must return to their everyday lives and resume their good health habits.
Faculty members, staff, students, and Tzu-Cheng and Yi-Te Association members participated. President Liu said that we didn’t run back to Jing Si Abode this year due to the epidemic, but we must keep the spirit of the 10-Kilometer Run in our minds. President Liu encouraged participants to run for Tzu Chi, for world peace, and for ourselves. She saw everyone exit Jieren Campus and joined others in running.
Along the 10 kilometers, there are the Central Mountain Range and lots of green trees. The light rain didn’t affect everyone’s will to complete the run. There were volunteers directing traffic and providing drinks along the way. After returning to the Jieren Campus Sports Center, participants enjoyed breakfast and snacks provided by the University.
Meeran is a doctoral student at the Institute of Medical Sciences, and he is from India. He led the race all the way and won first place in the male division. Meeran said: “This is a family activity to me, and every runner is my friend. Compared to running events elsewhere, I don’t need to compete with others here; I enjoyed running with my family and friends.” This year, three Ukrainian students participated and wished to run for world peace. Among them, Nadiia is a first-year master’s student in Communication Studies and won first place in the female division. She said: “Running makes me feel relaxed, and I love this activity very much.”
While running, many cheered each other. “How much longer will it take? Are you almost there?” Many dads and moms of the Tzu-Cheng and Yi-Te Association were behind other runners, and they kept running. A Tzu-Cheng dad named Chih-Hsiung Tseng said: “Running with others helps me to keep running.”
Di-Xuan Zhong graduated from the Department of Oriental Languages and Literature in 2009. She often participated in the 10-Kilometer Run during her college-era and after graduation. She said: “This year, we did not return to Jing Si Abode, but I am thrilled to see everyone.”
Bo-Yu Zheng is a member of the Healthcare Club. Club members run together during weekends, and today all put on their conspicuous orange uniforms. Bo-Yu said: “We have seven members who joined this event. In addition to cheering each other on, we try to promote our club.”
Peng-Yi Jiang, a physical therapy freshman, said she wore a mask to run in the park during the epidemic. During that period, many activities were suspended. After returning to everyday life, she wishes the University could sponsor more similar activities, so that everyone can embrace good exercise habits.