College of Education and Communication

Our Philosophy
We strive to provide life education for all of our students; the core principles of life education are harmony, autonomy, and self-discipline. We expect our students to cultivate a passion for the humanities and enhance their media literacy capabilities. Additionally, we expect to create a wonderful teaching and research ambience at our faculty, and we wish to make the teaching dedicated, profound, and based solidly on information technology. In doing so, we will integrate research efforts with classroom activities.
Our History and Facilities
The College of Education and Communication was established in August 2000. Dr. Ming-Li Wen, who was formerly with the Department of Education, Taiwan Normal University, became our first dean. She also served as department chair for the Department of Child Development and Family Studies. Dr. Jiao-Yi Chen, formerly with the Department of Special Education at Taiwan Normal University, succeeded Dr. Wen in August 2003.
Our Institute of Education was established in 1998, followed by the Center for Teacher Education in 2000, the Department of Communications in 2001, and the Department of Children’s Development and Family Studies in 2002.
Our Uniqueness
Blend the “education” and “communications” professions together; encourage each student to make an effort to beautify his or her life, purify his or her mind, and create a new life style from the school era. We therefore strive to “turn the muddy streams in society into clean streams, and repeat the experience everywhere.” We also expect to build an education system in which families, schools and communities work together, in order to nurture students to become people of fine character and with loving and caring hearts. Eventually we can carry these ideals all over the globe.
Developmental Objectives
Short term objective: The faculty can support each other through joint effort, and we wish to offer more courses, as well as initiate more research projects. In 2004 the Ministry of Education initiated a program to train the faculty in more effective media employment. Accordingly, our Center for Teacher Education and Department of Communication have been cooperatively approaching this project.
Mid to long-term objective: With an altruistic mindset and cultural respect, we will address health related and educational issues of the socially disadvantaged and local aborigines in the Hualien and Taitong Counties. Additionally, we would like to carry out integrated research.