Taking a Chinese Proficiency Test

  1. Date and Time:
    You will receive our email before the first day of classes. Please pay attention to the email.
  1. Duration:
    It will take around one hour.
  1. Method:
    The test, conducted online, will encompass listening and reading.
  2. Content:
    Primarily focused on everyday language, the content encompasses a range of real-life scenarios including short essays, advertisements, broadcasts, announcements, letters, notes, timetables, weather forecasts, and various other topics.
  1. Test scores:
    Based on these scores, students will be assigned to Basic, Elementary, Intermediate, or Advanced Chinese, and may be exempted from their freshman Chinese courses.
  1. Notes for taking the test:
    Demonstrate your Chinese language skills with commitment and care. As you improve, you may advance your abilities in a course that matches your level. Keep in mind, being good at Chinese language is very useful for your studies in the department.